May 30, 2023
This week Brian issues a retraction related to his previous comments about ordering food with his sweet wonderful girlfriend Michaela. Then Brian and Frank talk about gifts and cookbooks for our significant others, making molds, and the insane prices people are paying to see Taylor Swift and how TickMaster is terrible....
May 23, 2023
May 16, 2023
This week, we sit down with Herbie, co-owner of Reality A Games, to play some "Dungeons and Dragons." Herbie tells us about D&D, being a Dungeon/Game Master, he helps us create our characters, and then we embark on the first part of our D&D adventure (tune into the Patreon episode this week to hear the second part,...
May 9, 2023
This week, we get another update about Brian's upcoming visit to an escape room. We talk about an amazing Star Wars experience at Disney and talk about what kind of Star Wars character we might be. We also find out that Brian may be shopping for a very special something. Then we break down the infamous Cameo video Brian...
May 2, 2023
IT'S OUR BICENTENNIAL! OUR 250TH EPISODE! What a long strange trip it's been! We talk about the past 5 years, the great eras of the podcast, and how great our fans are! Then we talk about how difficult it is for Brian to get INTO an Escape Room. We also hear about his recent trip to St. Louis and we complain about all...